The Waste Epidemic

The Waste Epidemic: How The Foundry Ministries is Going Green

According to recycling website,, the United States generates more waste than any other country in the world.  We are living in a self-centered society of excess and immediacy. The Foundry Ministries works to intentionally combat the waste epidemic.  As a ministry, we have focused on recycling for more than 10 years; The Foundry Thrift Stores are the main source of our green efforts.  In our thrift stores, we strive to provide a friendly and clean environment for customers to purchase high-quality, new and used products, accept donations from members of the community, and  reduce waste by recycling. Our three thrift stores mainly focus on recycling scrap metal, clothing, shoes, electronics, and some paper/cardboard items.  Quinn Barefield, The Foundry Ministries’ Director of Enterprise, has worked in the distribution and recycling industry for almost two decades.
“Recycling is important because it focuses on the stewardship of three vital things: people, products, and finances. People are not trash and neither are the products that come through our stores.  More than 65% of The Foundry’s revenue is generated from our enterprises. It allows us to do what God has called us to do with the programs we offer.”
Our thrift stores are stocked with donated items ranging from antique furniture to a variety of clothing.  When asked about the importance of giving your used items to the The Foundry Thrift Stores, Quinn Barefield remarked by saying, “Donations are the life-blood of the thrift stores and how the ministry funds our programs.” You can be a part of the transformation taking place at The Foundry!  There are 3 simple ways to donate to The Foundry Thrift Stores:
  1. Deliver your items to any of our three store locations in Cullman, Fairfield, and Pelham.
  2. Drop off your smaller items at one of our orange donation bins in the surrounding area.  Check for a location near you.
  3. Call (205) 424-2400 to schedule pick-up from your residence or place of business.
You will receive a tax break when you donate. It’s a win-win!  Our eco-friendly strategies create revenue for the ministry, give people a second chance, as well as save our planet from wasteful hazards. Repurpose. Reduce. Recycle. Thrift Different

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