Seek Peace

Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

1 Peter 3:11 (ESV)


The French Quarter of New Orleans is one of the most spiritually dark places I have ever visited. You begin to physically feel the weight of darkness the moment you enter the outskirts of the French Quarter area. The deeper into the area you walk, the heavier the darkness weighs on you. At every turn, vodoo and other forms of witchcraft are being practiced in the streets and promoted in shops.

As I traveled through the French Quarter day after day, I found myself physically turning away from every vodoo shop, ghost tour, street magician, and other forms of darkness that loomed. I found myself craving peace and goodness and everything opposite of what surrounded me. In those moments, I had turn away from evil, seek peace, and pursue it.

During the month of September, let’s pray specifically for those who are coming into The Foundry for the very first time. Due to one circumstance or another, they have chosen to turn away from the darkness that has entangled them for so long and are now seeking peace for their lives.


Father, thank you for the peace we find in you and you alone. Lord, we pray each person who enters through our doors this month encounters your peace. We know the hope that comes from you, Jesus, when we “turn away from evil” and pursue peace with all we have. We pray each man and woman searching for you would know the same hope and peace.  In Jesus name, Amen. 


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