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Macy, Stories of Reshaped Lives

Macy, Stories of Reshaped Lives

No one intentionally wants to be battered, abused, and living on the streets.

Macy sure didn’t. Having grown up in the church, she knew of God, but never really “knew” Him. Macy told us “Had I known of His great love for me, I never would’ve gone searching for love.”

Macy’s search left her battered, abused, and living on the streets. She always thought the next man … the next drug … that’s when I’ll find love. Instead, those things cost her everything – her home, children, and relation-ships with family.

“I found myself living in a tent in the woods, eating out of dumpsters or anywhere else I could find food, and waking up in hospital rooms from overdoses. No amount of words can ever express the hopelessness and pain I felt.”

Then things got worse. Macy was beaten unconscious by her boyfriend. When she awoke hours later, she was alone. He had taken what little they had and abandoned her in the woods. Macy also had not eaten or slept in a week.

The only thing Macy could imagine doing was killing herself. She was just tired of hurting … tired of living. “I heard someone screaming, and realized that someone was me. I’m not sure what I was saying, but I do remember screaming for God to help me. And, thankfully He did.”



Macy’s life changed that day. Her family later brought her to The Foundry where your gifts and God’s love started to heal all those years of hurt. She received good meals, a safe place to sleep, Christian counseling, and so much more. The best thing Macy found at The Foundry was the love she had been searching for her whole life.

Macy found Jesus. One of her favorite verses is Romans 5:8 “He demonstrates His love for me in this: While I was still a sinner, Christ died for me.”

“While I was still a sinner – a junkie, prostitute, thief, bad mom, bad daughter, or any of the other things I thought I was, Jesus still died for me. That’s love. ”

Men and women struggling like Macy are the reason your help is so important. People are in need. During the Holiday season, your gift will help provide hundreds of meals and life-changing services to the homeless and hungry. Please give.


Your support can give the next Macy their chance at a new life.
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