got mentors?

by A Program Participant

I never imagined myself having to spend 12 months in a recovery program. How did I find myself here? Life happened.

I left home when I graduated high school and met my soul mate. We got married and had three children. They grew up, got married and now I have three grandchildren. We served God and were blessed for it. God supplied all of our needs and then some. About ten years ago, we lost everything because of the economy, AND bad decisions. Then, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. After 33 years of marriage to the love of my life, the Lord took him Home.

I fell into a deep pit of depression where I turned to alcohol to cope. It was a temporary solution to my pain. When alcohol wasn’t enough, I tried to kill myself in my son’s home while he was on vacation. After that, my family didn’t want me living with them in fear that I would do the same thing in their home, which left me homeless.

I have a very loving friend who encouraged me to come to The Foundry, and God made a way for me. I entered the Women’s Center on a Friday night and God immediately placed people in my path: People spoke “life” instead of death and shared similar struggles; people who could minister to me and show me a different way; people who built me up, without judgment.

A few months later, I was paired with my mentor. We made an immediate connection. As we talked, I learned we had so much in common. For instance, life happened to her too! She lived in the same darkness that I did. She understood…but most importantly, she found a way out. She could look in a mirror and see joy, forgiveness and peace. She found her purpose again. When she looks in the mirror, she sees freedom staring back at her. That’s what I wanted in my life.

A mentor is defined as anyone who is a positive, guiding influence in another person’s life. The biblical definition is better, which states someone who relies on the Holy Spirit to provide insight; change lives and teaches by being a good role model.

My mentor has been all of these things to me. She is quick to listen and slow to speak, always speaking truth in love. She tells me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear. She prays with me and for me. She faithfully shows up at our appointed time. She makes me feel special and I always look forward to our time together. We have open dialog, talking about our lives, sharing ideas and dreaming big dreams together.

God knew I needed a mentor and He picked the perfect person to walk my recovery journey with. Not only has she taught me some things, but I like to think she has learned a few things from me as well. We sharpen each other.

You see, not only do we need mentors in our lives, but mentors need us as well.

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor, click here to fill out an application. For questions, please contact Erin Bentley at

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