Andre, Stories of Changed Lives

"I was ready to give up on life, but now I am happy, healthy, and I know God."​


After growing up in a household of generational drug abuse, using drugs was part of Andre’s normal life. He was using all the time, at work as a truck driver and at play.

One day, he was driving and heard God speak to him. “God told me to pull the truck over before I hurt myself and others,” he says. “That is when I knew I needed change. I wanted to see the other side of life. A sober life.”

Born and raised in Birmingham, Andre made his way to The Foundry. “I knew The Foundry was the right place for me,” he explains. “They are known for helping people with addictions.”

Andre put his best foot forward and when he felt he had a grip on his addiction, he left. “I thought my life was fine and I could move on. But I still had triggers I could not resist,” he admits.

Andre soon learned he was missing something much bigger. When he returned to The Foundry, his mind was made up that he was going to finally live the life he was searching for. This time he began to seek God.

“I was ready to give up on life, but now I am happy, healthy, and I know God.”

He found strength in reading Isaiah 61 and says it inspired him, knowing God cared for someone like him. With guidance from the compassionate staff, Andre felt in control of his recovery journey.

“I learned to forgive myself and choose to be happy. The only way to do this is to follow God.”

Andre is now a graduate of The Foundry. He is excelling at his job. At church he sings in the choir, sharing his newfound joy with others.

“The Foundry is the best place in the world,” he says. “I was ready to give up on life, but now I am happy, healthy, and I know God. I am thankful The Foundry found me!”

Andre is also thankful for you. “Thank you for your gifts. If it were not for you, a lot of souls would not be saved. There are people here who desperately need The Foundry.”

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