Alana: Stories of Reshaped Lives

Alana, a reshaped life

Alana dealt with addiction to pain medication and heroin for almost 10 years. She tried many times to win the battle against it on her own, but was unsuccessful in her attempts. After spending time in jail and learning her husband was filing for divorce, she realized she could not overcome addiction on her own.

Alana sought help from the Lord, who lead her to The Foundry. She went all in with the tools, resources, and programs offered to her. Her commitment to the program and her obedience to the Lord carried her through the tough times. Now, almost two years after graduating, Alana’s life is completely different.

I no longer seek a substance or a way of numbing things to deal with anything.

“My belief system and my first response to anything has completely been changed. I no longer seek a substance or a way of numbing things to deal with anything. The Foundry taught me to first seek my Lord in everything and to pray about everything,” says Alana.

Now, Alana enjoys a life of freedom. She is continuing to learn how to fully embrace the love God has for her. Her love for life, her family, and God is contagious. She has become completely financially free from all her past debts just two years after graduating. Alana is exploring her next steps to take to complete her college education.

Alana is a testament to the life-changing work God can do when we submit to His leading.

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