Workplace Prayer: a great tool

My life fits together like a puzzle—job, home, hobby, church, interests, and more. I feel fragmented. The pieces won’t come together quite right. For most of us, the most challenging interaction of pieces is that of faith and work. 

How do I inject my faith into my work? How do I hold firm when faced with adversity? What would God have me do?

These may be questions you ask yourself. So focused on my tasks, I forget to ask these vital questions. 

I’m a tool guy. One of my favorite parts of starting a new hobby or project is acquiring the right equipment for the job. Disc Golf is one of my recent obsessions. Part of Disc Golf is choosing the correct disc that will fly from where you are to where you need to be. There is nothing more satisfying than the payoff of choosing wisely.

Today I have a fantastic tool for you. Sis Dixon has written us a prayer that will help all of us engage or reengage our faith while at work. 

Here is our recommendation. Print it out and pin it up. Use it as a morning reminder before you start working, when stress rises, or as a way to reset.

Lord Jesus, I bring your presence with me as I enter this workplace. I speak Your peace, Your Grace, and Your Perfect Order into the atmosphere of this office. I acknowledge Your Lordship over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and accomplished within these walls.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for the gifts you have deposited in me.

I do not take them lightly but commit to using them responsibly and well. Please give me a fresh supply of truth and beauty to draw on as I do my job. Anoint my creativity, ideas, and energy so that even my most minor tasks may bring You honor.

Lord, when I am confused, guide me.

When I am weary, energize me.

Lord, when I am burned out, infuse me with the Light of your Holy Spirit.

May the work I do and the way I do it bring hope, life, and courage to all I come in contact with today.

And, oh Lord, even in this day’s most stressful moments…may I rest in You.

In Your strong and powerful name, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen


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