Throughout his childhood, Danny says, “My parents gave me their heart and soul and tried everything possible to keep me off drugs.” But as a teenager, his curiosity prevailed and he was introduced to crack cocaine.
Danny rode motorcycles competitively and hoped to build a career from the sport. But fueling his growing addiction became his top priority and his life spun out of control. Over the years, he worked as a painter and struggled to hold a steady job. His marriage ended and his relationship with his children deteriorated. Eventually, he ended up homeless.
“I lived on benches. I slept under bridges. If I needed something to eat, my mom would take me in,” he shares. After a while, she no longer allowed him in her home. That’s when he came to The Foundry Ministries, broken and longing to be healed.
But healing takes time.
Danny sought our care twice in his journey to wholeness. Each time, the healing of his body, heart and spirit became more complete through our Christ-centered classes and guidance. We even helped him improve his reading skills, which empowered him to study God’s Word. When we welcomed him for the third time, “I finally found my walk with Lord,” he says.
Danny graduated from our Recovery Program and is now a resident at our Changed Lives Christian Center (CLCC) in Birmingham. Through our Aftercare Program, we’re helping him transition to independent living. He’s grateful for this opportunity, which friends like you have provided, and encourages you to continue your support of The Foundry’s work.
“So many people are dying because of addiction,” he says. “We need to love them and be there for them no matter where they are in their healing process, like The Foundry was for me.”
To read the Winter 2017 newsletter that features this story, download it here.
Help other people like Danny…
Danny’s story of hope and healing is inspiring. Our long-term recovery programs exist to help other men and women in central Alabama find healing. Will you help provide this help to others?