Monthly Prayer: My God is Powerful

My God is Powerful

Our God is Powerful and the solution to all of our problems, big and small. Join us in our monthly devotion and prayer.

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32:17 NIV

Father, I look around and see the beauty and the wonder of your creation. Your love is displayed in the gentle breeze that gives way to the heat of the day; in the calming sound of water flowing through the woods; in the cry of a newborn child.

The markings of your power are inescapable; they are everywhere I turn. I confess, Lord, I sometimes struggle to live like I know nothing is too hard for You. I buy into the lie that You have more important things to do than heal my disease or provide for my need. I spend my moments wrestling with how to find solutions to everything I’m facing rather than seeking You, the only true solution.

Forgive me, Father, for the times I have looked to my own strength and the ways of this world rather than looking to You. With a word, you spoke light and life into a dark and empty earth. With a touch of your hand, Jesus, You gave the blind man sight. You released Peter from prison because You heard the prayers of your people. Your power is undeniable!

Today, and everyday, let me be reminded of Your power. May I believe and live the truth that nothing is too hard for my God.

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