Monthly Prayer: My God is Patient
The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Lord, your patience is unmatched. You look down on this earth and see the children you created. We are living in this broken world that is fighting hard to push us further and further away from you. Everywhere we turn, there are things surrounding us grabbing for our attention. You long to have us near to you, but we keep running.
But, you Lord, patiently wait for us to turn our hearts toward you. Your patience isn’t like the patience we possess on this earth. We want to have it, and most try hard to obtain it, but our flesh fails us time and time again. We become anxious when things aren’t moving on the time schedule we set, so we begin to take matters into our own hands. But, not you Lord. You wait without anxiety or fear; you wait with love and confident expectation for hearts to turn to you.
Thank you, Father, that you are patient. May we rest knowing that you are not growing weary with us. Let our lives be an example to those who are far from you, that you are patiently waiting for them. We pray they see the gentleness of your presence in our lives.
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