Giving Christmas to those in need

Giving Christmas

Daylight is getting shorter, nights are getting colder, and trees are becoming barren. It’s nature’s way of indicating we are nearing the end of the year. With November now in full swing, holiday preparations have begun.  Travel arrangements are being made. Thanksgiving dinners are being planned. Christmas presents are being pondered. Let us help you with the latter by introducing you to a new way of Christmas gift-giving at The Foundry.

This year, donors can send a more tangible gift to those in need of hope this Christmas. Rather than just donating cash or a check, you can give someone a fresh start by sponsoring new toiletries, sweet dreams by sponsoring a new mattress, or a new beginning by sponsoring useful program curriculum.

Have a relative for whom it seems impossible to shop for?  This year, simplify your shopping and give a gift that counts in their honor. Not only do you get to give something meaningful to someone in need, but that person will feel good knowing that their gift went to help someone else.  Once your donation arrives and we will send you a special letter thanking you for your donation.

Make your Christmas special this year by supporting The Foundry Ministries’ Giving Christmas. We are celebrating this fantastic new way to give on December 3rd, which is Giving Tuesday. You can join us this day to support The Foundry by following the process below. Can’t support us December 3rd? No problem! This opportunity is running now through December 25th! 

The process is easy:

  1. Go to The Foundry website
  2. Select the item(s) you would like to donate
  3. Fill out the form and submit
  4. Your gift is on the way to impacting a life here at The Foundry

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