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Candice, Stories of Reshaped Lives

Candice, Stories of Reshaped Lives

candice story of reshaped life addiction recovery success the foundry I started to take prescription drugs to help me sleep. Then my father suddenly passed away, a man who had adopted me and raised me as his own. He was my rescuer, protector, and my calm. Trying to find a “feeling of escape”, I began taking more than the prescribed dosage. My way of grieving was to avoid reality and temporarily escape my thoughts and emotions. When the ugly head of reality returned, I couldn’t wait for my nighttime retreat of chemical escape.

I learned a lot of tools at a 90 day, 12-step based program I thought would sustain me for whatever else life had for me. My sobriety didn’t succeed very long once I felt like I couldn’t face “life alone.”

The passing of my grandmother, with whom I shared a special bond, struck me with grief I was not fully equipped to deal with healthily. I began mixing drugs and alcohol. The drugs didn’t just help me escape reality. They began altering it.

My husband grew weary, fearful, and concerned, giving me an ultimatum. I wouldn’t be allowed to be around my sons if I didn’t go through the program at The Foundry. I begged, pleaded, and negotiated for anything else other than going to a 12-month recovery program. My sister was a successful graduate of the Foundry, and he felt I needed more time than the 90-day programs.

candice story of reshaped life addiction recovery success the foundry

My life wasn’t just changed; it was transformed from the inside out. This program encouraged me to dig deep for the “reasons” that I used substances to escape the world. I had to continuously peel back layers and layers to find out the root causes of my addiction.

The program also showed me how to have the one foundational relationship I needed, my relationship with God. I am forever blessed and grateful for what I learned/experienced at the Foundry. For all of the people that poured into me, I will never forsake or forget.

Volunteers provided warm meals, entertainment, activities, etc. They also offered love, compassion, empathy, and prayer; the love of Christ.

Ms. Betsy Kopecky was one of the first volunteers I encountered. To know her is to Love her. She just radiates God’s love.

Kristy helped me break out of my shell and made me feel that being vulnerable is not as scary as I was making it out to be.

Dana Howle was my mentor. The staff truly prays over each mentor and mentee. We had a lot in common, and I felt comfortable enough with her to share my story. Those visits really got me through some very tough times.

All of the volunteers who came through the doors of the Foundry came without the one thing I feared the most,

The Foundry didn’t just give me my “life” back. It gave me hope, ambition, and peace to embrace my reality. I am forever grateful to ALL of the staff at the Foundry for giving me the courage.

My journey didn’t end the day I walked out of the Foundry. I am learning that my journey is just beginning.

candice story of reshaped life addiction recovery success the foundry

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