A Day in the Life…

There are many misconceptions about the work we do here at The Foundry. It’s hard to understand the rigorous schedule a program participant keeps unless you are here on property witnessing it with your own eyes. I pray this article helps quash all mistaken impressions about the work we do here at The Foundry.

The Foundry Ministries offers a one year Christ centered recovery program, where participants learn to live free of drugs or alcohol. Some enter our program due to court order, some have been given an ultimatum by family members, and some come on their own because they are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Upon arrival, each person is presented with a firm set of house rules, which help maintain order among our 400 participants.

All program participants are involved in an extremely regimented daily schedule, beginning at 5:30a.m. Their area must be clean, beds made, and everything put away in its proper place. They must take care of their morning chores, shower, eat breakfast, and get to roll call. They attend 2 separate classes in the morning before they go to work. Pastors, speakers and teachers, who are seasoned Christians, share biblical insights to help the participant begin their day in a positive and beneficial way.

Employment readiness is a key component to our program. Depending on their skill set, our program participants may serve at one of four thrift stores, the auto center, food services, or at our dental clinic. We also offer administrative and housekeeping positions at the Men’s and Women’s center. Serving gives the participant a sense of accomplishment while keeping their mind busy and productive throughout the day. Our desire is that every person in our program graduate with a marketable skill that furthers their employment opportunities.

After working 6-8 hours at their designated jobs, depending on their responsibilities, they return to campus for dinner. Afterward they attend evening classes, small groups or chapel, bringing their day to an end around 7:30pm or 8:00pm.

They get up the next day and do it all over again.

To break up their day, program participants work very closely with their counselors in our Genesis Process curriculum, which teaches lasting heart (brain) changes, bringing healing to what drives destructive behavior rather than just cope with it. Each program participant is educated about their relapse cycle and creates an individualized relapse prevention plan under the supervision of their counselor.

Volunteers who serve as mentors and small group leaders play a vital role in the participant’s growth. As an option, the program participant may sign up for a mentor once they reach a specific phase in their journey. They meet with their mentors twice monthly to establish relationships outside of The Foundry. We are always in need of mentors and small group leaders.
Please click here if you would like more information on making a difference in the life of a program participant through our mentoring program.

Being a part of The Foundry Family requires physical and mental strength and energy as well as deep soul surgery to get to the root of why they are here. Your prayers are coveted and essential. I pray the false impressions are illuminated; giving you a deeper understanding of the work your loved one is doing here to change.

If you would like to see our daily activities first hand, please contact ebentley@foundryministries.npplexamedia.wpengine.com to arrange an on-campus tour.

Next week we will highlight our quality programs offered through our five-step program we call The Foundry Way.

Julia Charleston
Development Assistant

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