Faithful Stewards

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

I’m not from a background of addiction; an Alabama prison has never been my home. By the grace of God, I’ve always had a roof over my head, food in my pantry, and clothing on my back. So when the question “How did you end up working here?” comes up, I refer to my faith.

At first glance of my life, you could say I don’t have much in common with those I serve. But, knowing we live in a broken, fallen world, every person here at The Foundry, staff and resident alike can say they have experienced brokenness in some way. We’ve all experienced hopelessness and a loss of self at some point in our lives. We’ve all searched for more and longed to know the meaning of our life.

So, what’s my answer to the question I’m always asked? The Lord! He is how I got here and He is why I stay here. Every person deserves to know the hope of Jesus; why they were created, and the freedom to live a life with Christ.

Serving others doesn’t mean you have walked the same path they’ve walked. The only requirement to impacting lives in the name of Jesus is having a willing heart to share the gifts He has given you and the hope that lives inside you because of Him.

No matter your vocation or what your background has been, there’s always room at the table for sharing the love of Christ with others.

There’s no better time than now to start giving back to others what Christ has given to you. At The Foundry, we have numerous ways to impact broken and hurting lives. Won’t you join me to fulfill the call of a faithful steward as we bring the light of Christ to a dark world?

Erin Bentley
Community Engagement Coordinator

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